Mail App (iPad and iPhone)
This lesson explains how to setup your College email account on the iPad
Open the Settings App

From the iPad Home screen, click on the Settings app, or search for it by swiping down from the home screen and typing "Settings".
Mail, Contacts, Calendars Settings

1. In the Settings app, select the "Mail, Contacts, Calendars" option as shown above. This will display the Accounts settings.
2. Click the "Add Account" option.
Create "Google" Account

In the account options screen that appears next, select the "Google" option.
Enter Email Account Details

1. Name - enter your Full Name (e.g. "John Smith")
2. Email - Enter your email address (e.g. "[email protected]")
3. Password - This will be the College network password for students and an App-specific password for staff (see this tutorial if you have not yet generated an app-specific password for the iPad).
4. Description - Provide a name for the account such as "BCC Email" or "Bayside Email"
Confirm Account

Once you have entered your details including your password, click "Next"
Details Confirmed

If you're account details were entered successfully, the screen above should appear.
Select Services to be Added

1. Next, confirm the services to be added. The "Notes" service is optional, but the Mail, Contacts, and Calendars services are recommended.
2. Click "Save" to continue.
Account Created

You have now successfully added your College email account to the iPad.
Adjust Settings / Change Password

If you ever need to change the services or update your password on the iPad, this can be done by clicking on the name of the account in the previous screen. This will reveal the settings above. To change the account password, select the "Account" option at the top.
You Have Mail!

Within a few minutes, you should start to see messages downloading to the Mail app on your iPad.