Create App-specific passwords for Mac, iPad, and iPhone
This lesson explains how to create App-specific passwords for the email clients on the Mac, iPad, and iPhone.
App-specific Passwords

To create App-specific passwords, go to the 2-step verification page (see previous lesson if you are unsure how to do this) and then follow the steps below:
1. From the 2-step verification screen, select the "App-specific passwords" tab.
2. Next, click the "Manage application-specific passwords" button.
App Passwords

Next, the screen above will appear with the option to create App passwords. Click on the "Select app" drop down box.
Create App Password for Mac

Choose the "Mail" option as shown above, and then choose the device you want to setup Email on. In the example above, "Mac" has been selected to create an app-specific password for Apple Mail.
Generate Password

Next, click the "Generate" button to generate an app-specific password for Apple Mail on the Mac.
Enter App Password

1. An app-specific password will be generated for the app and device chosen, and application specific instructions will be provided on the screen to enter the passcode (see above). Copy the passcode (spaces and all).
2. Next, enter the password into your mail app using the instructions provided on screen.
3. Next, click Done.
Create App Password for the iPad

If you require an App-specific password for the iPad, select "Mail" again from the first drop down list and then choose "iPad" as shown above. Next, click the "Generate" button that appears to generate an app-specific password for the iPad.
Enter Password into the Mail App on the iPad

1. An app-specific password will be generated for the app and device chosen, and application specific instructions will be provided on the screen to enter the passcode (see above). Copy the passcode (spaces and all).
2. Next, enter the password into your mail app using the instructions provided on screen.
3. Next, click Done.
Create App Password for the iPhone

If you require an App-specific password for the iPhone, select "Mail" again from the first drop down list and then choose "iPhone" as shown above. Next, click the "Generate" button that appears next o generate an app-specific password for the iPhone.
Enter Password into the Mail App on the iPhone

1. An app-specific password will be generated for the app and device chosen, and application specific instructions will be provided on the screen to enter the passcode (see above). Copy the passcode (spaces and all).
2. Next, enter the password into your mail app using the instructions provided on screen.
3. Next, click Done.
Review App Passwords

All app-specific passwords that have been previously created are shown in the App passwords screen (above). From this screen, you can create additional passwords for additional devices; or, revoke existing passwords in the event a device is lost or a password stops working for any reason.
If you want to create a password for another device repeat the 3 step process outlined above. Otherwise, click "Done" to exit the menu.