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Updated on: Apr 23, 2018
Add College Email Signature to Gmail (Web)
Manual G Suite (Google) -
Updated on: Apr 23, 2018
Using a Mac Mini
<p>This lesson explains the features and physical layout of the Mac Mini, including the variations in the 2009, 2010, and 2012 models used at the College.</p>Manual Macs -
Updated on: Apr 23, 2018
AirPlay a DVD Video
<p>AirPlay can be used to display any content from your Mac laptop with one exception - video from DVDs. If you attempt to AirPlay a DVD using the built-in DVD player on a Mac you will see a checkerboard effect on the video output and the video will not be displayed on the screen. </p> <p>This inability to AirPlay DVDs is not a technical limitation of AirPlay, but due to copyright protections (DRM) that the Movie Industry places on Apple disallowing DVDs to be displayed or "streamed" using AirPlay. </p> <p>However, there is a workaround available to <strong>show DVDs over AirPlay using the VLC Media Playe</strong>r, which is installed on all College Macs (staff and student). This lesson will explain how to use VLC to display DVDs using AirPlay from a Mac.</p>Manual AirPlay -
Updated on: Apr 23, 2018
Using the Sharp TVs
<p>This lesson shows how to use the Sharp 70" TVs using the wall plate controllers. </p>Manual IWBs / TVs -
Updated on: Feb 02, 2017
A Parent's Guide to Edumate
Manual Parent Guides -
Updated on: Oct 13, 2014
Update the iPad (iOS)
Manual iPads -
Updated on: Jun 17, 2014
Login to Google Apps
<p>In this lesson, you will learn how to login to the Google Apps account provided by the college for accessing email (Gmail), cloud-based files (Google Drive), personal Calendars, and class Websites.</p>Manual G Suite (Google)